Out of hand: materializing the post digital

I went to the Museum of Arts and Design to visit Lauren Slowik (my CC Lab teacher) who was there with a full body scanner, and me and Sean got our bodies scanned. It felt very science fiction, quite weird. We stood on a podium, still, and they had this stand where a camera was manually pulled up and down a slide, while we where slowly spinning around. We had to spin around about ten times. 

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I got some inspiration for my final, as I saw this object made by Michael Rees and Robert Gero called "Intervening Phenomena". It was great to see a history of 3D printing, especially how some of the vases where displayed as artifacts was quite jarring. 

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I was also impressed by Lucas Maasen's "Brain Wave Sofa", where he collected information on what people thought of when they heard the word "comfortable" and designed the sofa thereafter. 
